Some of the staff who lead subjects are effective and working hard to improve teaching and learning.
Pupils are polite and well-mannered, are kept safe in school and contribute to school life effectively.
Theres good evidence nationally that this approach leads to more rapid improvements in schools in this situation.
Cllr Frances Nicholson, Somerset County Council cabinet member for children and milies, said: Working with the governing body, weve taken swift action to secure rapid improvement in the schools performance through the appointment of an acting head teacher and the proposed move to academy status.
It is the second school in Wellington to be placed into special measures this week after Court Fields Community School was also rated as inadequate by inspectors.
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Lindsay Gabriel,school245.typepad.com. currently head at Stawley Primary School and a nationally accredited Local Leader of Education, has been sent in as acting head while the governors recruit a replacement to start in September.
Previous heawellington school Hopes for turn-around at Wellesley Park after OFSTED report From Somerset County Gazette,d teacher Maureen Crofton retired at Christmas before the publication of the report, which said the leadership and management were inadequate, while pupil achievement, teaching quality, and the behaviour and safety of pupils, all require improvement.
EDUCATION bosses are confident standards can be improved at a primary school which has gone into special measures after being judged inadequate in awellington school Hopes for turn-around at Wellesley Park after OFSTED report From Somerset County Gazetten OFSTED report.
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Senior leaders do not us information about students standards well enough to decide what should be improved.
Inspectors will keep an eye on Wellesley Park Primary School, Wellington, where a super head has been drafted in to oversee its conversion to an academy.
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2013-1-21 上午 9:50:44